We have been learning about people who help us in the community. Dentists help us look after our teeth and mouths. We went to visit the dental nurse, then came back and wrote some acrostic poems.
Brush your teeth two times a day
Right thing for healthy snacks
Use water or milk to drink
She told us our teeth are stronger than our bones
Helps us look after our teeth
By Emily
Brush your teeth every day
Rush to brush
Use tooth paste with flouride
Shiny teeth
Hidden bugs in your teeth
By Billie
Teeth are tougher than your bones
Eat healthy snacks
Estelle is our dentist teacher
Teeth fall out others come in
Help your teeth by brushing
By Qwade
Teeth are alive
Estelle is our dental nurse
Elephants don't brush their teeth
Teeth are stronger than bones
Healthy teeth need brushing daily
By Daniel